Diamagnetic Therapy
Non-invasive, painless management of pain through the innovative use of repulsive forces generated with high-intensity magnetic fields.

Effective therapy for musculo-skeletal conditions
Accelerated recovery from chronic pain
Accelerated tissue repair and recovery
What is Diamagnetic Therapy?
Diamagnetic Therapy (or Diamagnetic Molecular Acceleration) is a therapeutic method that uses a system of magnetic repulsion to stimulate molecules within the body in order to accelerate tissue repair and manage pain.
It can be effective in the treatment of a range of musculo-skeletal conditions, including:​
Elbow injuries
Joint pain
Lower back pain
Neck pain
Rheumatic & inflammatory diseases
Shoulder pain

How Diamagnetic Therapy Works
Video courtesy of Fisio Emax Salud Integral, S. L.
Liquid movement
Bodily substances such as water, lipids and most plasma proteins are diamagnetic - they accelerate in the opposite direction when in the presence of a magnetic field.

Magnetic stimulation
Stimulation of these substances via magnetic repulsion can encourage cellular drainage, removal of toxins and the transport of nutrients and metabolites.
Cellular healing
Cellular stimulation helps to ease inflammation and promote tissue healing processes at a deeper level of penetration than traditional electrical therapy.
Diamagnetic Therapy in Action
In this video, orthopaedic specialist Dr. Pietro Romeo of Periso Medical Division demonstrates the uses of diamagnetic devices.
CTU-Mega 18 Diamagnetic Device
A high-intensity magnetic field device that delivers non-invasive, painless treatment without the use of electrical current.

Device Application
Key Benefits
The CTU-Mega 18 diamagnetic device, imported from Switzerland, utilises a system of magnetic repulsion as part of an effective pain management therapy.
The device's blend of ultra-fast microsecond magnetic field variations and super-short millisecond pulses combine to offer efficient energy transfer into the deep tissue region.
The technology enables stimulation at a cellular level, which allows for deeper penetration than traditional electrotherapy. It does so without the use of electrical current, thus avoiding the potential side-effects associated with electrotherapy - such as skin irritation or rash.
Deep tissue penetration
​Painless therapy
Avoids risks or side effects of treatments such as electrotherapy, drugs and surgery.